Binary Time Station Privacy Policy

 Binary Time Station Privacy Policy

Effective: December/27/2023


Binary Ops Pvt Ltd presents Binary Time Station, a cutting-edge app for efficient time and attendance tracking. Binary Time Station's methods for gathering, utilising, and safeguarding your data are explained in the Privacy Policy that follows.

Utilising the Binary Time Station app constitutes your implicit acceptance of the terms and procedures outlined in this policy. Your data will only be used to enhance and optimise the service while maintaining the highest privacy protection standards throughout your interaction. We are dedicated to protecting the privacy and security of your information while you use the service because we appreciate your trust.

Information We Collect


The following categories of data are gathered by Binary Time Station:

User Information: To create and maintain your account, we need certain information from you, such as your name, email address, and contact information.

Authentication Data: We handle and securely store login credentials, such as PINs and barcode data, to enable safe access to the Binary Time Station app.

Location Data: GPS location tracking provides the app's location-specific features. We collect and manage location data to deliver accurate attendance tracking.

Camera Access: Additionally, Binary Time Station may use your device's camera for specific app features. This access is used for login purposes or enhance the app's functionality and provide a more comprehensive and efficient user experience.

Usage Data: Binary Time Station collects information about how and when you use the app, as well as the features you utilise. Using this data, we can improve the usability and functionality of the app.


How We Use Your Information


Binary Time Station uses the collected information for the following purposes:

User Authentication: To authenticate and secure app access, including using Fast-Scan technology, PIN authentication, and other login options.

Attendance Tracking: For businesses with multiple locations, it is easy to track time and attendance information through GPS location tracking, which must be accurately recorded and managed.

App Improvement: To evaluate usage trends and improve the functionality, features, and general performance of the app.

Communication: To share notifications, updates, and other account-related data.


Data Security and Storage


Binary Time Station places a high premium on data security. We protect your personal information from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction with industry-standard security measures. Your data is stored on secure servers, and the app encrypts all communications to protect your privacy.

Despite this, it’s important to recognise that no electronic storage method or transmission over the Internet is 100% secure, even with our best efforts. We work hard to protect your personal information using commercially reasonable methods, but we are unable to ensure complete security.


Data Sharing


Your personal information is never exchanged sold or rented to outside parties by Binary Time Station. Subject to strict confidentiality agreements, we may share your information with service providers that help us deliver and improve our services.


Your Choices and Rights


Within the app, you have the ability to view, amend, or remove your personal data. Opting out of specific communications is another option. Please email us at to use these rights.


Modifications to this Privacy Policy


We reserve the right to modify Our Privacy Policy from time to time. We'll let you know about any significant updates by updating this page with the new Privacy Policy.

We will send You an email and/or post a snoticeable notice on our service before the change becomes operative. This Privacy Policy's "Last updated" date at the top will also be updated by us.

Please review this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure that it is current. This privacy statement is subject to change, which is effective the moment it is posted on this page.


Contact Us


Please contact us at if you have any questions, concerns, or requests about this privacy statement or how your personal information is handled.




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